GIS Lab Access

For instructors and TAs Please fill out the following key request form (the top half) and leave the authorization name and signature blank. Click the Save button located at the upper right (>> Save) to save it. Email the form to ITS support ( with the subject ‘GIS Lab key Read more…

GIS Filesystem

The GIS Lab file system has been updated for fall 2020. You can find your personal files in the following locations based upon which operating system you are using. OSMOTAR.GIS.UNBC.CA: All of your files are in the K: drive. Please note that the C: drive is periodically cleaned, you must Read more…

Using Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams will be used for all courses running in GIS lab this fall that includes Geog204, Geog413, Geog357. Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. Open a web browser and search for Microsoft Teams Click Microsoft Teams Read more…