Submitting your final project presentation file:

  1. Please submit your final project presentation as a .PPT or .PPTX file ONLY:
    • Most programs allow you to export presentation slides as a .ppt file extension – if you are having trouble with this, please let us know before 4:00 PM on Friday, December 3 (this is not the submission deadline – this is to allow us time to help you export your file before the submission deadline).
    • Use the naming convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_GEOG204_Presentation
    • Remember the grading rubric for the presentation:
  2. Go to the GIS Lab fileshare webpage for your tutorial section (check your UNBC email inbox for a list of links)
  3. Upload your .PPT presentation file:
    • Click Select or drop files
    • Select your presentation file (with the correct file name) in the pop-up window
    • Wait while the file uploads until the window displays the name of what you uploaded
    • Email your TA (no attachments required) to confirm that we have received your submission


Presentation files for both tutorial sections will be accepted anytime before 2:00 PM on Monday, December 6, 2021.

Zipping and submitting your final project:

  1. Create a new folder in your file browser that will contain only what you plan to submit for your final project:
    • Name it LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_GEOG204_Final_Project

  2. Add the following things to your folder:
    • Your final project write-up in .docx or .pdf format, using the same naming convention: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_GEOG204_Final_Project
    • Your QGIS project file (.QGS file extension) or ArcGIS project file (.APRX) using the same naming convention: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_GEOG204_Final_Project
      • Make sure there are no temporary layers in your project (these will disappear)
    • Each shapefile or geopackage layer that you wish to submit as part of your final project (ie. each layer that is in the table of contents in your ArcGIS or QGIS project file)
    • Omit any unnecessary files, such as large original files that you later clipped to your area of interest. The fileshare website has an upload size limit of 16 GB, so please try to keep your submission concise. If your project is larger than this (which is very unlikely), please email Matt ( for help submitting your project.
    • You do not need to include your presentation file here

  3. Zip the project folder you just created:
    • Right click on the folder > 7Zip > Add to archive…
    • Modify any settings as required:
      • Make sure the archive format is zip
      • Make sure the file name follows the correct naming convention (it will probably default to the folder name)
      • Click OK
  4. Go to the GIS Lab fileshare webpage for your lab section (check your UNBC email inbox for a list of links)
  5. Upload your zipped project folder:
    • Click Select or drop files
    • Select your zipped project folder in the pop-up window
    • Wait while the folder uploads until the window displays the name of what you uploaded
    • Email your TA (no attachments required) to confirm that we have received your submission


Final projects will be accepted anytime before 11:59 PM on Monday, December 6, 2021.

Categories: GEOG 204Labs