1. Land Use, Parcels, Streets and Districts can all be placed on top of each other in a GIS such as QGIS (as in the diagram). What is the GIS term that describes them? 1/2 Mark


2. What does the GIS acronym stand for – what is GIS short for? 1/2 Mark

Geographical Information Systems

3. If the first term of GIS represents the georectified geometries that are shown in software like QGIS, what does the second term mean? In other words, what is the term often used to describe the “I” in terms of a GIS dataset? 1/2 Mark


4. It seems as though we get patterns of 3s in GIS. List out the three types of geometries we use in this course (types of geometries). 1/2 Mark

points, lines, polygons

5. When we speak of these types, they are used to create geometries for real locations in the landscape (i.e. roads, buildings, places of interest). What term do we use to call these geographical representations? 1/2 Mark


6. How often is Canadian Census data collected? 1/2 Mark

every five years on the first year and sixth year of each decade

7. What census unit does this does the ID 59530021 represent?   1/2

Census Tract

X Dissemination Area

Census Division


Census Metropolitan Area

8. Select all of the following levels of geography whose polygons completely cover Canada. 1 Mark

Census Tract

X Census Division

X Dissemination Area

X Blocks

Census Metropolitan Area

– Census Sub Division (accepted as well)

9. The unique ID code below is for a Census Tract in Prince George in 2006   9700011.00 In 2016 this code and subsequent polygon was replaced by the following codes: 9700011.01 and 9700011.02 What reason can you think of for updating this code and polygon? 1 Mark

– The population of the Census tract increased to a point whereby a portion of the area (polygon) needed to be redrawn.
– As a result the original area (polygon) had to be split into two units
– Census data can still be compared to the original boundary census data using the original ID to the left of the decimal place.

10. 10120021 is the unique ID for a Dissemination unit for Newfoundland. What is the code for its Census Division? 1/2 Mark

– 1012 or 12
– 1012 will make the unit unique across Canada and 12 will be unique to the province only

11. Explain the difference between Enumeration Areas and Dissemination Areas and detail what problems researches can face using these Census Units. 2 Marks

– Enumeration Areas represent the area that a census enumerator is responsible to collect census data. Prior to 2001 Enumeration Areas served as collection areas as well as sharing areas (they were the Dissemination Areas)
– Enumeration boundaries changed from census to census making comparison of census data difficult
– Dissemination Areas were created in 2001 and are not supposed to change for subsequent censuses. This allow for census data comparison from census to census.

From Neil Hanlon’s slides:
– It may be difficult to determine which boundary unit is best for research needs
– Data Suppression and Rounding increases as the boundaries become smaller in geographic area/extent
– Sensitive to non-responses
– Smaller areas and increase margin of error

12. The Canadian Census has been around since 1871. The long form was the standard for census until the short form was introduced. Answer the following questions regarding these pieces of information.
When was the short form introduced?
What percentage of the population is now required to complete the long form?
What year was the long form substituted for the National Household Survey for census collection?
Express your thoughts on the effects of using the National Household Survey. 2 Marks

– The short form was introduced in 1971
– 25% percent of Canadian households are required to fill in the long form (prior to 2016 it was 20%)
– The National Household Survey replaced the long for in 2011 – for that census period only

– Sampling error is a concern when the sample does not represent the population (not necessarily a true random sample based on those households that may complete the survey)
– If the sample (NHS that were filled in) is small – error will increase (the smaller the sample set the greater the error)
– Bias in the responses to the NHS – non-response bias as well as bias in the responses collected. For instance those not interested, opposed to filling out census information and marginalized groups will not fill in the form. Those hoping to influence the census data will fill it in however.

Categories: GEOG 204