Review the project map guidelines from lab 09.

In designing your project output, review the ‘Tips for Success’ posted near the bottom of Lab 4:

  • What message do I intend for this map to convey, and does it convey this message well
    • Are there any elements that should be added for context or removed to reduce clutter?
  • Are any layers missing? / do they need to be in the Legend?
  • Are the layers in an appropriate order to not cover important information?
  • Are the labels on the map readable? Is there crowding or fonts too small to read?
  • Are the colours on the map visually appealing?
  • Do the colours on the map follow conventions? i.e. Water is blue, vegetation / parks green, built up areas either grey or red, etc..
  • If there is hierarchy on the map, is it intuitive? Your map should draw readers towards the purpose of the map. In general more major items should either be bigger or use stronger colours compared to minor features. Mostly use subtle colours for (large) areas.
  • Is the scale appropriate? Are locator maps needed to identify the location?
  • Does the projection used make sense? Make sure the map display is not in Geographic. (Tip: Try to define the attribute of the projection that makes it the best choice, it is good practice to always question defaults)
  • Is ancillary data present? e.g. Title, Date, Author, data attributions?
  • Does the final product match the customer (marker) specifications? Page size, orientation file format.
  • Do you need to indicate north? Is north the same direction everywhere on the map?
  • layout: maximise map content, minimise white space – for ancillary items, use peripheral portions of the map in preference to adding an extra column if feasible.